Object Lessons
Knowing what to look for
CFB Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum is always on the lookout for meaningful objects that can help us better tell the story of the history and development of what is now Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt. Such objects can embody important lessons about past technology, ways of working and living that have a bearing on the present, and attitudes, priorities and concerns of previous generations. In the museum’s care, they are artifacts that offer insight.
The museum also holds a growing collection of files on Canadian naval vessels, biographies of leading figures in the establishment of Canada’s Navy, information about the history and development of what is now Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt, maps and charts, historical documents, and thousands of photographs which have been digitally scanned.
All this information is available for the interested visitor or researcher.
The museum is seeking more documentation that can be included in its library and archives, as well as artifacts that relate to the history of the Navy and Army on the west coast of Canada.
We are particularly interested in obtaining photographs for addition to the museum’s growing photo database.
If you have photos, periodicals, personal documents or other items pertaining to the West Coast defences, the Royal Canadian Navy, the Canadian Women’s Army Corps or the Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service, please contact the museum.
The Museum’s collection includes:
- 40,000 artifacts
- More than 35,000 photographs, including thousands of photos of naval vessels
- Art works, including unique paintings by naval artists
- Personal papers, letters and journals
- Ship plans

This historic 1914 photo of HMCS RAINBOW’s crew is just one of thousands the museum preserves and shares through its photo database and scanning projects.
How do I donate an artifact to the Museum?
CFB Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum is happy to consider donations of objects, photographs, and archival materials that help us tell the story. It is through the generous support of donors that we have been able to build and preserve a very significant collection of artifacts.
We are careful about adding to the collection. We want to make sure that everything collected by the museum is significant and relevant to our mandate.
If you own an item that you believe fits these guidelines and would like to share it with the future, CFB Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum would like to hear from you.